Training staff on first aid is something that every business across the country should take seriously.
It is the law to have adequate first aid resources and a dedicated ‘first aidder’ in the workplace. The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 were established so that adequate personnel, equipment and facilities are created in every workplace should an emergency arise.
That being said, leaving everything to one person isn’t good practice and there are many reasons why a first aid course for your employees can be incredibly beneficial. In fact, it can be lifesaving.
Here are 3 reasons why training your staff in first aid is important to your business.
Providing Immediate Response
National standards outline that an ambulance should reach a life threatening situation in 8 minutes. These Category A emergencies are the most serious however 75% of these situations did not have an ambulance arrive on the scene within this timeframe.
For example, in one postcode area in Ipswich only 5% for Category A calls were responded to in 8 minutes or less. A blocked airway could kill someone in under 5 minutes but a person with proper first aid training can give them a fighting chance before an ambulance arrives.
Being able to provide immediate response to another person at work by training in first aid could be the difference between life and death.
Effective Treatment For Minor Injuries
While the prospect of someone needing emergency treatment at work is relatively low depending on what occupation you are in, minor injuries are far more common.
Around 200,000 people sustain injuries at work in the UK every year and many of these can be treated without outside help. Even in a small office a first aid box and a dedicated ‘first aidder’ can potentially treat these minor injuries.
Being properly trained in first aid will allow employees to help each other and often negate the need for emergency medical treatment at all.
It Creates Confidence For Employees
Aside from the practical nature of having a team that are trained in first aid, ensuring your staff can provide serious or minor care instils confidence within the workforce.
A study found that only 59% of employees would feel confident trying to save someone’s life and a third of employees said that they would carry out first aid without proper training.
First aid courses for staff can create confidence not only in an employee’s ability to deal with an emergency situation but also that, if they are in a position where they need basic medical treatment at work, there are other people on hand to help.
First Aid Courses Can Save Lives
Training staff in first aid is of vital importance to any business.
Whether it is a building site or a small office, accidents and emergencies can happen and staff need to be properly trained to deal with this.
While businesses are required by law to have a dedicated first aid kit and appointed person to deal with accidents and medical emergencies, having all employees trained and aware of what they should do if someone falls ill or an accident occurs will create a safe environment for everyone that works there.