3 Ways Technology Has Improved Health & Safety in the Workplace

Posted on written by Peter Ely(admin)

Whether or not technology has made the world a better place can be debatable but in terms of health and safety, it has improved standards.

In fact, there are many ways in which new gadgets and tech are saving lives, reducing injuries and generally making the workplace a safer environment for everyone.

The fines that are now handed out for health and safety breaches can be devastating to any business and this is one reason why there has been such a focus on how technology can help.

In this weeks’ blog, we are going to show you 3 ways in which technological developments have improved health and safety.


They aren’t just for the military or to take some fantastic videos to get YouTube views. Drones are actually making workplaces a lot safer.

In the manufacturing and construction industries, they have been used to reach dangerous areas of the workplace that pose a substantial risk to humans. Even when it comes to chemical spills they have been invaluable in allowing specialists to safely view the problem without putting themselves in harm’s way.

Drones are still relatively new but they are having a positive impact to keep workers safe.

Digital Signs

It seems such a simple concept and digital signs are hardly a new phenomenon however they do play a major role in avoiding injuries at work.

With easy to change signage, you can quickly communicate dangers and other information to workers that could potentially cut down on injuries and save lives. The fact that they are fairly inexpensive adds to their appeal.

Digital signage might not be the most advanced way in which technology is keeping people safer particularly in manufacturing but it is highly effective.

3D Technology

While this is relatively new to the masses, 3D technology has huge potential to develop workplaces that have little to no accidents.

3D imaging can be used to show employee’s what is going on around them that they cannot see themselves and has been shown to reduce the likelihood of accidents such as with machinery or falling objects.

It can also be used to carry out risk assessments and train employees without putting them in any danger. With these simulated environments of new work sites and locations, employees can know risks and dangers well in advance.

Technology and keeping the workplace safe

We aren’t in a futuristic world yet where accidents and workplaces injuries can be completely avoided but things are moving in the right direction.

There are numerous ways in which technology is having a positive and direct impact on health and safety. We have only explored 3 different ways in this blog but there are dozens of new tech, gadgets and ideas that are making workplaces across the world safer every single day.

Does your workplace utilise technology to improve health and safety? What kind of things do you use?

Let us know!

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